2024年8月 話題のTRXスタジオSami Fitness TokyoでBurn Gがスタート!
Sami Fitnessの人気インストラクターCindy(シンディ)によるBurn Gクラス
日本語 / English / 韓国語
木曜日 18:30 – 19:30 Thursdays
土曜日 11:00 – 12:00 Saturdays
祝日・月 18:30 – 19:30 Holiday Mondays
* スポーツウェア(上:ハーネスを着用するため腹部が隠れるもの、下:長いレギンスなど。シャカシャカパンツ、ショートパンツは適しません)
* 室内用運動靴
* 汗をかくので タオル、水、替えの下着など
What should I wear and bring?
* We recommend wearing leggings, a high impact sports-bra, and a fitted shirt/tank top which covers your stomach and back to avoid the scratch by the harness.
* Non-slip sports shoes for indoor use
* Towel, water bottle, spare underwear (you will sweat a lot), etc
Sami Fitness Tokyo
東京都港区南麻布5-2-9 B1
B1, 5-2-9 Minami Azabu, Minato-ku, Tokyo
T: 03-6421-3077 (Navi Jiyugaoka /ナヴィ自由が丘)
Instructor: Cindy(シンディ)
初回トライアル 3,850円 → 3,300円
ドロップイン 4,400円
Non-Member Fees
First Trial JPY3,850 → 3,300
Drop-in JPY4,400
4-Ticket voucher JPY13,200
2回分回数券 7,700円 → 6,600円!
Opening Campaign Special Price!!
For the first trial day only!
2-Ticket voucher JPY7,700 → JPY6,600
Sami Fitness会員料金
初回トライアル 3,850円 → 3,300円
ドロップイン 4,400円 →3,630円
2回分回数券 7,700円 → 6,600円
4回分回数券 13,200円 → 11,000円
Exclusive Prices for Sami Fitness Members
First Trial JPY3,850 → JPY3,300
Drop-in JPY4,400 → JPY3,630
2-Ticket voucher JPY7,700 → JPY6,600
4-ticket voucher JPY13,200 → JPY11,000
*All prices include consumption tax.
*Ticket vouchers are valid for 1 month from the purchase date.
*We accept only credit card payments at the studio.
*We will charge a fee equivalent to the cost of one lesson or ticket for any cancellations or rescheduling requests made within 24 hours before the scheduled class start time. The same fee will apply to no-shows.
Medical restrictions:
You may not participate if you are pregnant.
Please consult with your doctor before taking the Burn G class if you have got heart disease, high or low blood pressure, glaucoma, recent surgery history or/and any other medical concerns.